Month: January 2021

Grand Jury rebukes supervisors for open embrace of cannabis industry, ethics violations, sellout of environmental review process.

Rarely has the Santa Barbara Grand Jury issued so scathing a report as the one released this summer about the open embrace given to the cannabis industry by elected officials throughout Santa Barbara county government. In biting detail, the report castigated the board of supervisors — two in particular — for allowing cannabis industry lobbyists…
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From the field: Oregon: Urban Oregon Legalized marijuana, but rural Oregon is paying the price

CARTEL TYPE BEHAVIORS It was Urban Oregon who legalized marijuana, but it is rural Oregon that is paying the price, and it was the Oregon legislature who redefined marijuana as an agricultural crop, which allowed large commercial marijuana grows to set up next to our rural residential farming homes bringing with them cartel type of…
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55+ Residents Participate in Supervisor Rabbitt’s Town Hall on Bloomfield cannabis permit

What happened at Supervisor Rabbitt’s town hall on 1/11/21 is rare.  It happened because the Bloomfield neighborhood went to great lengths to create a petition with hundreds of signatures, analyzed the issues in the ministerial application and had a supervisor interested enough to hear what the neighborhood had to say.  A ministerial cannabis application doesn’t…
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Supervisor’s In Law happy with Weed Pharm. Neighborhoods, not so much

See related story here: Supervisor Gore – Recuse Yourself – SOS Neighborhoods SOSN: As if we didn’t have enough problems, they want to bring in cannabis tourists to their grows in our neighborhoods. Busses in your neighborhoods anyone?A once-controversial 37-acre ranch on the outskirts of Petaluma has kicked off 2021 on a high note. The…
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Despite the pandemic, citizens deserve open, transparent government. The Santa Rosa City Council in December voted to approve a transparent – government proposal that has labored through subcommittee and council consideration for six years (Press Democrat, December 12, 2020). The impetus was mass public demonstrations against the shooting of teenager Andy Lopez by a Sonoma…
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2018 Video – Supervisors show strong support for neighborhoods So what happened after that?

April 2018 Cannabis Study Session – Board of Supervisors expressed lots of concern about protecting our rural neighborhoods from pot grows. They sound like a group of neighborhood advocates. Whatever happened after that was a shocking transformation. Below clip summarizes their comments from that hearing most interesting to us: The 2 min version: Full meeting:…
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Press Democrat Marijuana

Just to be clear, the marijuana advocacy site, The Emerald Report, was started by the Press Democrat newspaper. Darius Anderson, an owner of the Press Democrat and the Sonoma paper, represents the pot industry (registered lobbyist for CannaCraft) and may very well be personally invested in some of the very grows ruining your neighborhood. His brother…
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How to Solve Cannabis’ Water Problem

“In June of 2015, BioScience published a research paper on the sustainability of cannabis. Naturally, one of the areas of analysis was water consumption. They found that an estimated 22 liters of water or more are consumed per plant per day during the June-to-October growing season. Applying this number to documented planting densities for greenhouses…
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Wine vs. weed in Napa Valley (Politico)

Grape growers worry that pot won’t pair well with the terroir they have spent a century and a half cultivating. “The report cites marijuana’s water demand — it estimates an acre of cannabis uses 1.1 million gallons per year, compared to 65,000-162,000 gallons per acre of wine grapes — and warns that a proposed 500-foot…
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