Category: Home

Supervisor’s In Law happy with Weed Pharm. Neighborhoods, not so much

See related story here: Supervisor Gore – Recuse Yourself – SOS Neighborhoods SOSN: As if we didn’t have enough problems, they want to bring in cannabis tourists to their grows in our neighborhoods. Busses in your neighborhoods anyone?A once-controversial 37-acre ranch on the outskirts of Petaluma has kicked off 2021 on a high note. The…
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2018 Video – Supervisors show strong support for neighborhoods So what happened after that?

April 2018 Cannabis Study Session – Board of Supervisors expressed lots of concern about protecting our rural neighborhoods from pot grows. They sound like a group of neighborhood advocates. Whatever happened after that was a shocking transformation. Below clip summarizes their comments from that hearing most interesting to us: The 2 min version: Full meeting:…
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The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a commercial cannabis ordinance that has negatively impacted the lives of many rural residents

In 2016, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a commercial cannabis ordinance that did not adequately assess the potential negative impacts to rural residents. Some of the negative impacts include pungent skunk odor and increased noise and traffic due to commercial cannabis businesses in neighborhoods, adjacent to homes. Many of these businesses are on…
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