Category: News

In case you were wondering what Supervisor Gore’s sister in law thought about the cannabis ordinance…

No, he didn’t recuse himself 3/13/21Erin GoreOld River Road Inc dba Garden SocietyC12-0000062-LIC 840 N Cloverdale Blvd,Cloverdale, CA 95425 Dear Planning Commissioners, Thank you for the opportunity to have an open discussion with you all about the recently proposed regulations from the County of Sonoma with regards to their proposed changes for cannabis cultivation across…
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Commentary: Sonoma County supervisors correct to require environmental review for cannabis cultivation

May 19, 2021 The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors should be applauded for doing the right thing this week and ordering a full Environmental Impact Report before taking the next steps in considering cannabis cultivation in Sonoma County. The Supervisors overcame heavy lobbying and pressure from the corporate cannabis industry that wanted to open the…
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From the field: Enforcement where are you?

To Whom It May Concern, In 2018, my family along with my three neighbors whom all reside on Herrerias Way in Petaluma, Ca was negatively impacted due to a large marijuana grow operation that was set up without our permission less than ½ a mile from our homes, near an Elementary School and across the…
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Rural neighborhoods win a stay and environmental review of proposed cannabis expansion

May 18th 2021 Board of Supervisors Meeting The long and tortured road of our local ordinances governing land use policy and marijuana. After five years of unending conflicts between long time rural residents and hopeful marijuana speculators, our Supervisors finally hit the wall of reality. They must conduct an EIR per State law and CEQA…
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Board of Supervisors Meeting May 18th

The proposed changes to the cannabis permitting process will be some of the most significant land use changes in Sonoma County in the last 40 years. Tuesday, May 18th is our best and last chance to influence the Board of Supervisors before they vote on the draft cannabis ordinance.  Below are directions on how to…
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Demonstration against cannabis proposals draws large crowd, TV and press coverage

May 17th demonstration against expansion of commercial marijuana production in Sonoma County rural neighborhoods.

From the field: Life on “Marijuana Creek Lane”

Dear Sonoma County Supervisors, Since early 2017, my neighbors and I have the had the unfortunate luck of living on Matanzas Creek Lane, or, as your staff jokingly refers to it as, ‘Marijuana Creek Lane’. We are continually reminded of Sonoma County’s poorly written, implemented, and enforced cannabis ordinance and its continued willingness to put…
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SOSN Law Firm files letter to BOS against Sonoma County Cannabis Proposal’s flawed SMND in followup to previous letter

The San Francisco law firm Shute Mihaly and Weinberger filed another letter on May 17 on behalf of Save Our Sonoma Neighborhoods. It opposes in detail the County’s proposal to vastly expand commercial cannabis cultivation based on flawed, inadequate review of environmental impacts that is not conformant with California environmental law (CEQA). The comments make two…
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Cannabis fight heats up

Neighbors gearing up for a protracted battle over proposed changes to cannabis cultivation By TYLER SILVYARGUS-COURIER EDITOR Just south of the historic Washoe House bar northwest of Petaluma, the first hints of neighborhood agitations against the area’s nascent cannabis industry appear on the asphalt of Pepper Road. In barely discernible white spray painted letters, someone has…
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California drought continues to intensify – Let’s produce 60,000 acres of water sucking drugs!

California drought continues to intensify; Cooler temperature and robust marine layer to offer some temporary relief Filed in Weather/Climate Discussion by Daniel Swain on May 10, 2021 • 196 Comments California descends deeper into drought; “Drought Emergency” declared in NorCal Well, unfortunately, the overall drought trajectory has not changed since the last post: it’s still getting worse. And pretty rapidly worse,…
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