Category: News

Lack of Transparency by Supervisors

* The power grab on Dec. 6th below was by Supervisor Lynda Hopkins who took over board chair and the *conflict of interest was Supervisor James Gore, up for reelection in 2022. New year resolution: a transparent Sonoma County Board of Supervisors COMMENTARY from Windsor Times and Gazette: Editor’s Note: The following was a letter sent…
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Supervisors, can you hear us now? Wine and Water Watch

Supervisors, can you hear us now? Bad Government, Cannabis Issues, Groundwater, News / April 12, 2021 “Protecting water resources should be the No. 1 goal of the Board of Supervisors. It is key to our future.” Press Democrat is listening to the citizens of the county who have legitimate concerns how our government is operating and who for….. Our scarce…
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Continued Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for April 15, 2021

Note the unusual time – 6 pm. The red-lined Chapters 38 and 26 documents released on the 8th. From: Sonoma County, CA <>Subject: Sonoma County Cannabis Updates This email is to inform you that the meeting materials for the Continued Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for April 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM are now available.To view the meeting materials, visit…
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On Gore & Hopkins watch: the county’s cannabis regulations have been a fiasco (Wine and Water Watch)

Hopkins is on a roll: Sebastopol Inn purchase (state felt it over priced, Oakland housed 100 for Hopkins 31 same $), Measures in special election failed, power grab as board president failed, pushing biomass industry (dirtier than coal), cannabis ad hoc co-chair with Gore FIASCO. Hopkins’ comments EDITOR: I found Supervisor Lynda Hopkins’ comments in…
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Cutting neighbors out

EDITOR: There is a reason that of 58 California counties only 15 allow outdoor commercial cannabis. Impacts on neighborhoods are just too severe to offset with any mitigations. Sonoma County started out with a use permit process, as is required by the California Environmental Quality Act, but the county is now attempting to go to…
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Sonoma County cannabis growers and rural residents still at sharp odds over cultivation rules – Press Democrat article with comments/corrections to editor

Nearly 8 million Californians voted to make cannabis cultivation, sales and consumption legal in 2016, and the following year more than 360 farmers sought permission to farm the intoxicating plant in Sonoma County. Since then, only 184 permits have been granted in a county that at that time was home to about 3,000 growers. Under…
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Friends of Graton LA Times reporting that this is the third driest year in state history today! This has to be the most ridiculous ordinance proposal in light of drying up wells already around the county. Please consider donating to the fund.  FOG UPDATE: What Now? The Planning Commission (PC) met again on 3/25/21 to…
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Pepper Lane, a close-knit family neighborhood, threatened by large out of area commercial cannabis operation

Pepper Lane, a close-knit family neighborhood, threatened by large commercial cannabis operation. Please sign our petition, write letter to County Petition against Pepper Road commercial pot operation – Sign here If you’re in Two Rock area, please join our neighborhood coalition Join the Two Rock coalition here (Enter Two Rock in the neighborhood coalition field)…
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Like Traffic? Revisions to cannabis ordinance will result in more than 2 million new daily road trips – on rural county roads

Sonoma County’s estimate for traffic in its 2016 (Mitigated Negative Declaration, p. 44) used these metrics: A one-acre cultivation site or a 0.25-acre indoor operation can each require 12-15 employees during peak periods. Fifteen employees average 30 to 60 trips a day.  Scaling up, and using the County’s lower employee figure, each acre of outdoor…
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Supervisors’ proposed ordinance would change Bennett Valley forever

The following analysis of cannabis impacts on Bennett Valley are indicative of the rest of the County. •        An analysis of Bennett Valley’ indicates that 138 parcels are eligible to cultivate commercial marijuana comprising a total of 4,702 acres •        Up to 10% of a parcel can be cultivated, so 470 acres of outdoor cultivation…
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