We rely on donations from concerned citizens like you
SOS Neighborhoods is made up of neighborhood groups concerned about the proliferation of commercial cannabis businesses in our rural residential areas. 100% of donations are applied to cover the substantial costs associated with advocacy for rural Sonoma County homeowners.
We are all volunteers who contribute time, money and expertise to protect our quality of life and preserve the rural character of Sonoma County for future generations.
We depend on donations to offset the costs of print / reproduction, web and social media communication and legal fees.
Act Now
If you’d prefer to mail a check, please send it to:
Save our Sonoma Neighborhoods
PO Box 314
Valley Ford, CA 94972
The current Sonoma County cannabis ordinance is under revision and it’s imperative that we have your support in order for us to have our voices heard by the Board of Supervisors and County staff.
We have incurred significant legal fees to fight for their rights of rural residents to enjoy their property. Land use attorneys are expensive but they have been instrumental in helping us navigate the County and the cannabis ordinance.